Sīkfailu politika

Kas ir sīkfaili?

Sīkfails ir fails, kas tiek lejupielādēts un izpildīts jūsu datorā, tālrunī vai mobilajā ierīcē, kad piekļūstat noteiktām tīmekļa vietnēm. Sīkfaili cita starpā ļauj tīmekļa vietnei saglabāt un iegūt informāciju par lietotāja pārlūkošanas paradumiem un atpazīt lietotāju atkarībā no tajos ietvertās informācijas un datora lietošanas veida.

Sīkfaili nekaitē jūsu datoram un ir nepieciešami, lai atvieglotu navigāciju.

Kādiem nolūkiem mūsu vietnē tiek izmantotas sīkdatnes?

Sīkfaili ir nepieciešami, lai mūsu vietne darbotos pareizi. Mūsu sīkfailu mērķis ir uzlabot lietotāja pārlūkošanas pieredzi. Tās var tikt izmantotas, lai atcerētos jūsu preferences (valodu, valsti u. c.) navigācijas laikā un turpmākajos apmeklējumos.

Sīkfailos apkopotā informācija ļauj mums arī uzlabot tīmekļa vietni un pielāgot to lietotāju individuālajām interesēm, paātrināt meklēšanu utt.

Kāda veida sīkfailus izmanto mūsu tīmekļa vietne?

Analīzes sīkfaili: Ja mēs vai trešās puses tos izmanto pareizi, tie ļauj mums noteikt lietotāju skaitu un tādējādi veikt mērījumus un statistisko analīzi par lietotāju pakalpojumu izmantošanu.

Reklāmas sīkfaili: Ja mēs vai trešās puses tās izmanto pareizi, tās ļauj mums pēc iespējas efektīvāk pārvaldīt reklāmas vietas piedāvājumu tīmekļa vietnē, pielāgojot reklāmas saturu pieprasītā pakalpojuma saturam vai tam, kā jūs izmantojat mūsu tīmekļa vietni.

Kādiem nolūkiem mēs NEIZMANTOJAM sīkfailus

Mūsu sīkfaili neuzkrāj informāciju par jūsu personīgo identifikāciju, adresi, paroli, kredītkartes vai debetkartes informāciju utt.

Kas izmanto šajos sīkfailos ietverto informāciju?

Informāciju, kas glabājas vietnes sīkfailos, izmantojam tikai mēs, izņemot sīkfailus, kas turpmāk norādīti kā “trešo personu sīkfaili”, kurus izmanto un pārvalda ārējas struktūras, lai sniegtu mums pakalpojumus, kas uzlabo mūsu pakalpojumus un lietotāja pieredzi, pārlūkojot mūsu vietni.

Trešo pušu sīkfaili galvenokārt tiek izmantoti, lai iegūtu statistiku un garantētu maksājumu operāciju veikšanu.

Vai es varu aizliegt sīkfailu izmantošanu?

Jā, pirmkārt, jums jāizslēdz sīkfaili savā pārlūkprogrammā un, otrkārt, jāizdzēš pārlūkprogrammā saglabātie sīkfaili, kas saistīti ar šo vietni.

Jebkurā laikā varat ierobežot, bloķēt vai dzēst sīkfailus no šīs vietnes, mainot pārlūkprogrammas iestatījumus. Katrai pārlūkprogrammai šie iestatījumi ir atšķirīgi. Sīkāku informāciju par sīkfailu konfigurāciju jūsu pārlūkprogrammā skatiet pārlūkprogrammas izvēlnē “Palīdzība”.

Iespējams, ka dažas vietnes funkcijas vairs nedarbosies, ja atspējosiet sīkfailus.

Mūsu vietnē izmantoto sīkfailu saraksts

Tehniskie un pielāgošanas sīkfaili

Šīs sīkdatnes tiek izmantotas, lai identificētu lietotāju sesijas laikā, novērstu to, ka lietotājam nav jāatkārto autentifikācijas procesi tīmekļa vietnē, paātrinātu dažus tīmekļa vietnes procesus, atcerētos sesijas laikā vai nākamajās piekļuvēs veiktās izvēles, atcerētos jau apmeklētās lapas utt.

Lietotāja identifikācija
Tos izmanto, lai identificētu un autentificētu lietotāju. Tie satur arī tehniskos datus par lietotāja sesiju, piemēram, savienojuma laika ierobežojumu, sesijas identifikatoru u. c.
Sesijas identifikācija
Tie identificē lietotāja http sesiju. Tie ir izplatīti visās tīmekļa lietojumprogrammās, lai identificētu pieprasījumus no lietotāja sesijas.
Navigācijas statuss
Tie palīdz noteikt lietotāja pārlūkošanas statusu (pieteikšanās, pirmā lapa, pirmā piekļuve, ritināšanas statuss, balsošanas statuss utt.).

Navigācijas analīzes sīkfaili

Šīs sīkdatnes iegūst vispārīgu informāciju par lietotāju piekļuvēm tīmekļa vietnei (nevis tās saturu), lai pēc tam sniegtu mums informāciju par šīm piekļuvēm statistikas vajadzībām.

Google Analytics (__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmd, __utmv, __utmz, _ga…)

Tie ļauj sekot vietnes statistikai, izmantojot Google Analytics rīku, kas ir pakalpojums, ko nodrošina Google, lai iegūtu informāciju par lietotāju piekļuvi vietnēm. Daži no saglabātajiem datiem ir šādi: cik reizes lietotājs apmeklē tīmekļa vietni, lietotāja pirmā un pēdējā apmeklējuma datumi, apmeklējumu ilgums, no kuras lapas lietotājs piekļūst tīmekļa vietnei, kura meklētājprogramma tika izmantota vai kura saite tika noklikšķināta, no kuras pasaules daļas lietotājs piekļūst tīmekļa vietnei utt. Sīkfaila ģenerēto informāciju par tīmekļa vietnes izmantošanu tieši pārsūta un glabā Google Inc (uzņēmums, kas atrodas Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs). Šo sīkfailu konfigurāciju iepriekš nosaka Google piedāvātais pakalpojums, tāpēc iesakām iepazīties ar Google Analytics konfidencialitātes lapu, lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas par tās izmantotajiem sīkfailiem un to, kā tos atspējot (paturiet prātā, ka mēs neesam atbildīgi par trešo pušu tīmekļa vietņu saturu un precizitāti).

Trešās puses

Cookies Policy

A cookie is a file that is downloaded and executed on your computer, phone, or mobile device when you access certain web pages. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about user’s browsing habits and recognize the user depending on the information they contain and the way they use their computer.

Cookies do not harm your computer and are necessary to facilitate navigation.

What are cookies used for on our website?

Cookies are necessary for our website to work properly. The purpose of our cookies is to improve the user’s browsing experience. They can be used to remember your preferences (language, country, etc.) during navigation and on future visits.

The information collected in the Cookies also allows us to improve the website and adapt it to the individual interests of users, speed up searches, etc.

What types of cookies does our website use?

Analysis Cookies: These, if they are used properly by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and thus perform the measurement and statistical analysis regarding the users’ usage of our service.

Advertising Cookies: These, if they are used properly by us or by third parties, allow us to manage as effectively as possible the supply of advertising space on the website, adapting the content of the advertisement to the content of the service requested or to the use you make of our website.

What we will NOT use cookies for

Our cookies do not store information about your personal identification, address, password, credit or debit card details, etc.

Who uses the information contained in these cookies?

The information stored in the website’s cookies is used exclusively by us, apart from those identified below as “third party cookies”, which are used and managed by external entities to provide us with services to improve our own services and the user’s experience when browsing our website.

Third party cookies are mainly used to obtain statistics and to guarantee the payment operations are carried out.

Can I prevent cookies from being used?

Yes, firstly, you must disable cookies in your browser and, secondly, delete the cookies stored in your browser associated with this website.

You can restrict, block, or delete cookies from this website at any time by modifying your browser settings. This setting is different for each browser. For more details on the configuration of cookies in your browser, please consult your browser’s “Help” menu.

It is possible that some of the website’s features may no longer work if you disable cookies.

List of cookies that our website uses

Technical and customization cookies

These Cookies are used to identify the user during the session, prevent the user from having to repeat authentication processes on the website, speed up some website processes, remember selections made during the session or on subsequent accesses, remember pages already visited, etc.

User identification
They are used to identify and authenticate the user. They also contain technical data from the user session, such as connection timeout, session identifier, etc.
Session identification
They identify the user’s http session. They are common in all web applications to identify requests from a user’s session.
Navigation status
They help identify the user’s browsing status (login, first page, first access, scroll status, voting status, etc.).
Technical and customization cookies

These Cookies are used to identify the user during the session, prevent the user from having to repeat authentication processes on the website, speed up some website processes, remember selections made during the session or on subsequent accesses, remember pages already visited, etc.

Google Analytics (__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmd, __utmv, __utmz, _ga…)

They allow website statistic’s tracking through the Google Analytics tool, which is a service provided by Google to obtain information about user access to websites. Some of the data stored is: number of times a user visits the website, dates of the user’s first and last visit, duration of visits, from which page the user accessed the website, which search engine was used or which link was clicked, from which part of the world the user accessed the website, etc. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website will be directly transmitted and stored by Google Inc (a company located in United States). The configuration of these cookies is predetermined by the service offered by Google, so we suggest you consult the Google Analytics privacy page, for more information on the cookies it uses and how to disable them (keep in mind that we are not responsible for the content and accuracy of third-party websites).

Third Parties

Privacy Policy

At HIGHRES we take the protection of your personal data very seriously. Our purpose is to protect the privacy of the data you provide us and to comply with the current regulations on the protection of personal data.

In compliance with the Act 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights transposing Regulation (EU) 2016/679, we inform you of the following information about our privacy and data protection policy:

Who the controller of the processing of your data?

The organization responsible of your data is Vidzeme Tourism Association (VTA). This is an NGO located in Cēsis, Latvia.

Pils laukums 1 LV-4101 Cēsis, Latvia
+371 641 22011
Email contact

What is the purpose of the treatment?

  • To respond to requests, complaints and incidents transferred through our contact channels incorporated in the website.
  • To understand the behavior of the navigator within the web in order to detect possible computer attacks on our web.
  • Comply with legal obligations that are directly applicable to us and regulate our activity.
  • To protect and exercise our rights or to respond to complaints of any kind.
  • Submission of newsletters regarding the goods or services that make up the activity of the responsible person or news related to his activity.

What is the legal base of the treatment?

The legal basis for the treatment of your data is the consent of the data subject under article 6.1 a) of the Regulation, as well as the legitimate interest of the data controller under article 6.1 f) of the Regulation.

The data we request from you are adequate, relevant and strictly necessary and in no case are you obliged to provide them to us, but their non-communication may affect the purpose of the service or the impossibility of providing it.

What is the legal base of the treatment?

The legal basis for the treatment of your data is the consent of the data subject under article 6.1 a) of the Regulation, as well as the legitimate interest of the data controller under article 6.1 f) of the Regulation.

The data we request from you are adequate, relevant and strictly necessary and in no case are you obliged to provide them to us, but their non-communication may affect the purpose of the service or the impossibility of providing it.

For how long do we keep your data?

Your data will be kept for the time required for the proper provision of the service offered, as well as to meet the responsibilities that may arise from it and any other legal requirement.

Which recipients will receive your data?

While processing your data, VTA may share your data with:

On Projects Advising SL, as web management and maintenance service providers.

What are my rights?

  • Right of access: the right to obtain confirmation of whether personal data is being processed, as well as the right of access to such data.
  • Right to rectification of personal data.
  • Right to erasure
  • Right to limitation of processing
  • Right to data portability
  • Right to object: the right to object to data being processed.

The controller retains the right to restrict the rights set forth in Article 23 of the EU Regulation, if such restriction is provided to safeguard, in particular fundamental rights and freedoms and is a necessary and proportionate measure.

Where can I make a complaint?

If any interested party considers that their data are not being treated correctly, they can send their complaints to the following e-mail address; info@highres-project.eu.

The data subject declares to have acquired all this information.